Health and Nutrition
Cancer-Fighters from Foods
By Mary Ann Littell
Who would have thought that these simple foods could ward off or be a preventative against different types of cancer.
Haunting Danger, Unseen Enemy: An Introduction To Blood Borne Pathogens For Martial Artists - Part 1
By Len Sclafani, DDS
Your most dangerous opponent in the dojo might not be human.
Haunting Danger, Unseen Enemy: An Introduction To Blood Borne Pathogens For Martial Artists - Part 2
By Len Sclafani
Here are some basic precautions you can take to protect yourself from infection by bloodborne pathogens such as hepatitis B and C or HIV, through contact with another student?s blood or body fluids.
A New Scary Germ: MRSA: The Danger, Part
By Christopher Caile
This new super bug should not be ignored, especially by martial artists whose environment can be optimal to the spread of this potential menace.
A New Scary Germ Part 2: MRSA : Recogniton and Prevention
By Christopher Caile
Martial artists should also be especially alert because their practice environment is optimal for the spread of MRSA. The threat might be even greater than the physical dangers from the art they practice.
Female Martial Artists and Amenorrhea
By David Bock
Female martial artists, as with all serious female athletes, have a distinct advantage over their male counterparts in one very crucial area.
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