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Stretching As An Important Tool In Preventing Martial Arts Trauma
By Bruce Everett Miller, PA-C

The most common fault in stretching is not that we don't stretch, or even stretch the major muscles adequately, but that we fail to stretch the minor muscles.

Stretch Yourself - 1: Misconceptions on Stretching and Flexibility and the Method of Testing Your Potential to Do a Side Split
By Thomas Kurtz

How to determine if you have the potential to do a side split, even before you start your stretching program.

Stretch Yourself - 2: Difficulties with Doing a Side Split
By Thomas Kurtz

You can get more side stretch by changing your alignment so to tilt the pelvis forward to realign the hip joint.

Stretch Yourself - 3: The Method of Testing Your Potential to Do a Front Split
By Thomas Kurtz

In this article you will learn if the joints and muscles of your thighs and hips will permit you to do a front split and/or side split.

Stretch Yourself - 4: Kinds of Flexibility and the Right Role of Splits in Taekwondo, Karate, and Kickboxing
By Thomas Kurtz

In this article you will learn about kinds of flexibility and the right role for splits in kicker's training.

Stretch Yourself - 6: High Kicks with No Warm-Up: The Right Body Alignment for Side Kicks
By Thomas Kurtz

In this article you will learn the correct body alignment for the high side kick.

Stretch Yourself - 7: High Kicks with No Warm-Up
By Thomas Kurtz

Six critical things you need to know about body alignment to develop powerful high roundhouse kick.

About Thomas Kurtz
By FightingArts Staff

Misconceptions, difficulty doing a side split, testing and different kinds of stretching.

The Post Exercise Stretch As An Important Tool In Preventing Martial Arts Trauma
By Bruce Everett Miller, PA-C

One aspect of stretching which seems to be almost universally ignored is the stretch which should be done during the cooling off period.

Stretch Yourself - 5:Right Stretches for High Kicks with No Warm-Up
By Thomas Kurtz

In this article you will learn about the method of developing dynamic flexibility so you can kick high anytime without any warm-up.

Leg Circles Part 1 ? Stretching the Hip Muscles for Higher Kicks
By Paul Zaichik

This exercise loosens up and stretches the muscles surrounding the hip joints. Practicing it regularly will promote higher, faster and more powerful kicks.

Leg Circles Part 2 ? Stretching the Hip Muscles for Higher Kicks
By Paul Zaichik

This variation of leg circles help stretch the hamstring muscles which are important in all high kicks.

Leg Circles Part 3 - Using Reciprocal Inhibition To Assist Stretching
By Paul Zaichik

This exercise shows how by tensing opposing muscles you can relax the hamstrings.

Acupressure Points For Stretching & Releasing Tension
By David Bock

Karate, taekwondo, kung fu students and other martial artists should know these points for stretching and releasing body tension.

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