Mario McKenna
Taira, Shinken (1897-??)
By Mario McKenna
Biography of Shinken Taira, karate and Okinawan kobudo expert and pioneer in full contact fighting
Uechi-ryu Karate ? A short History: Part 1
By Mario McKenna
Uechi Ryu Karate is a powerful Okinawan style which originated in China. It shares many similarities with Goju Ryu karate and the lesser Naha-Te styles of To'on Ryu and Ryuei Ryu.
Uechi-ryu Karate ? A short History: Part 2
By Mario McKenna
Having returned from China it took years of prodding for Uechi Kanbun to finally begin teaching his art. It eventually grew into one of the best known styles of karate on Okinawa and has spread worldwide.
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