Ikemiyagi, Masaaki (1953-
Ikemiyagi Masaaki was born in Nago-Shi, Okinawa, on December 23, 1953.
He began his training under Yagi Dai Sensei at the age of 15 in 1968.
He has remained a loyal and dedicated student of Yagi Dai Sensei ever
Ikemiyagi Sensei has been Kancho (dojo director) of his own Meibukan
Dojo in Okinawa since 1981. Endeavoring continuously to improve his martial
arts, he has traveled to China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Hawaii, Brazil, Australia,
and the United States to train and conduct comparative research in the
various martial arts systems. Some of the systems that he has studied
are other forms of karate, judo, boxing, capoeira, and various forms of
gung fu. Having befriended many top-level martial artists from around
the world, he is often invited and goes abroad to teach seminars. In May
of 1997, he went to Rio Rancho, New Mexico to conduct a seminar for the
students of his friends: Francisco Rivera-Deshi of Lau Kai Ton, "Grand
Master" of Hung Gar Gung Fu, Chin Wu Athletic Association; and Lynn
Yarmer-student of Francisco Rivera and Chief Instructor of the "Tracking
Kenpo" system.
Challenges are a common occurrence among the Okinawan youth involved
in the various martial arts systems taught in the collegiate athletics
program. When these challenges came, Ikemiyagi Masaaki was always the
first to answer. As a youth in Okinawa, he quickly developed a reputation
as a skilled karate-ka and powerful fighter. At many of the local tournaments
he would attend, competitors would often withdraw once they became aware
that he was participating; not because he broke the rules, it was just
that they knew they could not beat him-not to mention how badly it hurt
to get hit by him. This "cute, little man," as most people would
describe him, has the kind of power that most karate-ka can only dream
of. Because of his teacher being known as the "the makiwara breaker,"
Ikemiyagi Sensei was inspired to train on the makiwara relentlessly since
his start in karate training. He also has broken several makiwara. He
used to enjoy this, but now it is just a hassle to replace them. Ikemiyagi
Sensei keeps a heavy bag behind the "maki" so that he does not
break it.
Today he is Kancho of the Meibukan Goju-Ryu, Okinawa Dojo in Okinawa-Shi
and holds the rank of 8th Dan. He is one of only a handful of Yagi Dai
Sensei's earlier students who still actively teach. In the past, he has
served as the Riji-Cho (Director General) of both the Zen Okinawa Karate-Do
Renmei and the Okinawa Goju-Kai. At present time, he is once again the
Riji-Cho of the Okinawa Goju-Kai (as of December 1997).
Ikemiyagi Sensei has produced many fine students who help to propagate
Meibukan Goju-Ryu in very positive ways all over the world. Under the
Okinawa Dojo, he has branch dojos operating in Australia, America, Indonesia,
and here in Okinawa. One of his students, Ikemiyagi Shuichi Sensei, serves
as the secretary of operations for the "Okinawa Collegiate Karate
Training Organization." In addition to teaching at the Okinawa Dojo,
Ikemiyagi Sensei regularly travels to schools worldwide to conduct seminars
and share his knowledge and experience with other martial artists. His
love of travel was inspired early on when Yagi Dai Sensei took Ikemiyagi
Sensei along on his trips to Taiwan. I have heard from several other sensei
in the Meibukan that the only trouble Yagi Dai Sensei had on his trips
to Taiwan was trying to keep the young Ikemiyagi Masaaki from fighting
every challenger that came along.
Training at the Okinawa Dojo is an experience that one does not easily
forget. The first thing I noticed about Ikemiyagi Sensei was that he was
so kind to all of his students. The training is harsh, but his communication
skills are superb. He always makes his students feel welcome, even when
he is kicking them across the room. Each student is treated as an individual
and as such is instructed in a manner that works best for him or her.
Sensei is a very wise and open-minded man, and he allows for physical
and personality differences in technique; however, "kata is not to
be changed, ever." He teaches in a very traditional manner. We start
with hojo undo (warm-ups) and then do all of the kihon (basic techniques);
this is followed by group kata and then we end with various yakusoku kumite
(pre-arranged sparring), kakie (push-hand sensitivity and strength drills),
and kotekitae (arm banging). At this point, we all line up and bow out.
The kids all go home, and then those adults who wish to train more stay
to work on the further "advanced" skills-Sensei's way of saying
that they will hurt worse. These vary from leg and body conditioning drills
to attack and defense drills done back and forth across the dojo. These
drills are often quite tiring, and are always painful. Sensei does not
do much in the way of jyu kumite (free sparring); instead, we just work
all our drills in contact range and to the level each individual has been
promoted. Once a person reaches sho-dan, if he or she misses an incoming
technique they will more than likely end up being knocked to the floor.
Needless to say, people do not want to rush promotion in our dojo. Ikemiyagi
Sensei is a wonderful teacher who does his best to help each student become
stronger. He will let us all get a few licks in so that we can feel what
it is like for the technique to work. Of course, he also returns a few
in order to show us how the technique "feels." With Sensei,
there is not an ounce of ego to get in the way of his teaching-one just
has to be very careful not to get "cocky."
Those in the Okinawa Dojo have a rare and enviable opportunity to learn
from such an accomplished teacher with this kind direct connection to
the great masters of the past. Through his teachings and guidance, they
learn pure Goju-Ryu-a precious find in the modern world of martial arts.
It is a responsibility to train sincerely, behave as gentlemen of good
character and integrity, and remain humble always. Sensei always says
that karate should improve and enhance all the joys of life, not replace
them. He stresses the importance of family and friends, and he also constantly
reminds students that with power comes the responsibility to do right
in all circumstances.
Ikemiyagi Sensei teaches the ways of Meibukan Goju-Ryu as he learned
them from his master and teacher, Yagi Dai Sensei. He asks for nothing
in return except that students train as hard as they can to become strong,
while always remembering that having a kind heart shows a person's true
Author: Original material from: Wade Chroninger-Chief Instructor, Meibukan
Goju-Ryu, Okinawa Dojo, International Student Branch. Note: some wording
modifications were made to insure clarity to students outside of the Meibukan
Goju-Ryu organization.
Research Bibliography: Works Sited and / or Consulted
(1). Yagi Meitetsu, Carl Wheeler, and Brock Vickerson; OKINAWAN KARATE-DO
GOJU-RYU MEIBU-KAN, (pages 17, 22, 43, 44, 46 - 49, 53, 54); Published
by the authors, 1998; Printed in Prince Edward Island, Canada by Action
(2). TRADITIONAL KARATE-DO-Okinawa Goju Ryu Vol.1 Fundamental Techniques,
(pages 22 - 29); Published by Sugawara Martial Arts Institute, Inc. Of
Tokyo, Japan, 1997, Eighth Printing, 1985, First Printing; ISBN: 0-87040-595-0;
Printed in Japan
(3). Rob Monaco's Internet Site-pages: #1 http://gojuryu.net/miyagi.html
, #2 http://gojuryu.net/higaonna.html , #3 http://gojuryu.net/yagi.html
(4). John Porta's Internet Site-pages: #1 http://www.nserver.com/shobukan/gojuhist.html
, Note: This article originally appeared in the Journal of Asian Martial
Arts (Vol. 3, No. 3, 1994)
(5). Internet Web Site-page #1 http://www.smn.co.jp/keyword/0023k01e.html
, Article Title: OKINAWA: "Half a Century of American Military Bases
and the Okinawan People;" Authored by: Tetsuo Maeda, Military journalist;
(6). Alexander Lim Ko; FIVE ANCESTOR FIST KUNG-FU The way of Ngo Cho
Kun, (pages 31, 32); Published by Charles E. Tuttle Company. Of Rutland,
Vermont & Tokyo, Japan, 1997, first Tuttle addition; LCC Card Number
97-60011; ISBN 0-8048-3153-X; Printed in Singapore.
Reproduced with permission from the Meibukan Website at
http://userhp.konnect.net/stones/ (Edited for punctuation and clarity)