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Search results for 'judo regeln'

The Four Pillars Of Judo
By Victor Anderson, Sandan, Sacramento Judo Club

There are some who say Judo is a way of life, others talk about sport, and still others argue about martial arts.

Characteristic Traits of a Good Judo Coach
By Elie Morrell

The judo coach's basic job is to pass on his knowledge to others in a clear and understandable way. If he can't properly communicate, this will have long range adverse effects on the students' progress in judo.

The Classical O-Soto-Gari Judo Throw - Part 2: The Rebuttal
By Steve Cunningham

There are many methods of escaping from a same side wrist grab, but some are better than others.

The Classical O-Soto-Gari Judo Throw - Part 1: It Doesn't Work
By Ben Holmes

There are many methods of escaping from a same side wrist grab, but some are better than others.

The Significance of Movement in Judo
By Elie Morrell

One of the most satisfying feelings in judo is the experience of performing a throwing technique with a minimum of effort and flawless execution. But why do most judo players rarely experience this feeling?

The Physics Of Forces In Judo: Making The Weak Equal To The Strong
By Jearl Walker

Judo is a martial art that demands an intuitive understanding of the physics of forces, torques, stability and rotational motion.

The Value of Uchikomi in the Development of Judo Skills
By Elie Morrell

In Judo just practicing the skill(s) of throwing in part does not improve the skill. Sports psychologists now point out to improve throwing skills they should be completed in an environment closer to competition.

Relationship of Kuzushi and Tsukuri in a Judo Throw
By Elie Morrell, Hachidan

I find it disconcerting that to date all the individuals involved in judo that I have met still maintain the prevailing belief that tsukuri means to fit in during the execution of a judo throw.

Presidential Judo
By Tom Ross

He may head of one of the world's elite superpowers, but to his fellow judo club members Russian President Vladimir Putin is best known for his wicked sweeping leg throw (Haraigoshi).

The Judo Choke: Safety Rules
By Neil Ohlenkamp

Although the Judo Choke is very effective it can also be dangerous, even fatal, the difference being good technique and execution.

The Judo Choke
By Neil Ohlenkamp

Although the Judo Choke is very effective it can also be dangerous, even fatal, the difference being good technique and execution.

The Beginnings of Kodokan Judo, 1882-1938
By Paul McMichael Nurse, Ph.D.

It is sad to think about but the first Asian fighting system to gain worldwide acceptance has been -- for the most part -- relegated by much of the public and many of its practitioners to the category of a mere sport, a form of jacketed wrestling of no real value as a combative art and little worth beyond that of a recreational activity.

The Beginnings of Kodokan Judo, 1882-1938
By Paul McMichael Nurse, Ph.D.

While most people think of judo as a sport, it started with philosophical and ethical goals.

The Judo Choke: Resuscitation Techniques (Kappo)
By Neil Ohlenkamp

Critical things you should know about resuscitation of someone who has lost consciousness through a judo choke.

The Most Powerful Armlock in Judo: Jujigatame - The Cross Armlock
By Neil Ohlenkamp

If you ever find yourself grappling on the ground with an attacker you should know the basics of this technique.

Common Causes of Judo Student Attrition
By Elie Morrell

There is a relationship between attrition by Judo students and the attributes possessed by the coach, his coaching style as well as the use of poor training equipment.

The Voice of Authority ? Part 1:Giving New York?s Finest an Edge: Verbal Judo
By Christopher Caile

It's called Tactical Communication, but it really a method of verbal judo where NYPD?s finest are taught how to effectively communicate when dealing with civilians so to reduce emotion, intransigence and prompt civilian compliance

Jigoro Kano and Kodokan Judo
By Andy Adams

Indeed, he was many things to many people. Like Sir Thomas Moore, a man for all seasons. His many worlds encompassed much of value to Japan.

The Study of Kuzushi
By Neil Ohlenkamp

The concept of Kuzushi, or the breaking of an opponent's balance, is central to many martial arts including judo and jujitsu.

The O-Soto-Gari Judo Throw In Jujutsu & Karate (Continued)
By Christopher Caile

Each art has its own emphasis that affects the set-up and the way the throw is executed.

The Rear-Fall Throw In Self Defense
By Prof. Gene Roos

Most assailants are unprepared for this type self-defense technique and it takes them totally by surprise.

The O-Soto-Gari Judo Throw In Jujutsu & Karate
By Christopher Caile

Each art has its own emphasis that affects the set-up and the way the throw is executed.

The Combat Roll
By Prof. Gene Roos

The combat roll is not pretty like those in judo or aikido, but it just may end up saving you from serious injury.

Modern Budo
By Christopher Caile

Budo includes karate-do, kendo, judo and aikido which have inherited technical roots from the samurai combat arts.

Zen Mirror: This Magic Moment
By Jeff Brooks

There is no doubt that in times of hardship people succumb to despair, raiding, addiction and savagery. But people can also band together in a spirit of respect and shared values and recover their humanity through training in karate, taekwondo, kung fu, judo or in any other martial art.

Take It Easy
By Neil Ohlenkamp

Like most activities, the way to enjoy Judo or any other martial art is to learn to relax.

Defeating The Headlock - Part 2 - Against A Headlock Already In Place (Continued)
By Christopher Caile

Up Against The Wall
By Christopher Caile

Pushing someone from behind into a wall or object to hit or steal from them is a common technique, but it is easy to counter with a little knowledge.

Memories Of Richard Kim
By Christopher Caile

A personal reflection on this American karate master, his thoughts and what he taught.

Happo no Kuzushi: Destroying Your Opponent's Balance
By Ronald L. van de Sandt

Knowing how to destroy your opponents balance is something every martial artist should know

Defeating The Headlock - Part 1 - At The Moment Of Initiation
By Christopher Caile

Using this technique you can thwart an attacker's attempt to put you in a headlock so effectively that you will just seem to disappear

Hard Reality: How One Barroom Encounter Changed One Cop's Views On Fighting
By Robin Martin

How one real life incident changed my concept of what was effective in the martial arts.

Defeating The Headlock - Part 2 - Against A Headlock Already In Place
By Christopher Caile

How to get out of even the most determined headlock, but also how to escape without hurting those who are also just playing around with the hold.

Fighting Back On The Ground: The Entangling Armlock
By Eric Joseph

If you find yourself on the ground grappling with an opponent this is one technique you should know.

Defeating the Football Tackle
By Prof. Gene Roos

While this attack can completely overwhelm a defender, it can also be easily countered.

The Wall of Silence
By Rick Clark

The true meaning of kata has been neglected and it is critical that it be rediscoved.

Uke: Receiving
By Dave Lowry

Experienced martial arts students should learn to measure toughness not as the ablity to dish it out, but as the ability to receive.

On Your Back On The Ground: Turning A Punch Defense Into An Arm Lock
By Prof. Gene Roos

Here is one thing you can do if you are on the ground caught on your back by someone trying to punch your face into hamburger.

The Lighter Side of the Martial Arts
By Van De Sandt

'Kushi Bushi'

The Lighter Side of the Martial Arts
By Van De Sandt

'The Matrix Move'

Jujutsu: The Evolving Art Part 4: Other Jujutsu Derivatives: Judo And Gracie Jujutsu
By Tom Ross and Christopher Caile

Jujutsu has evolved over the centuries from a military art to a sport

Escaping The Wrist Grab: Part 2 - From The Opposite Side
By Christopher Caile

Here are some simple and effective self-defense techniques that anyone can use to escape a cross arm wrist grab.

Escaping The Wrist Grab: Part 3, The Two Arm Wrist Grab
By Christopher Caile

While the two arm wrist grab can be scary for the defender, in fact it is easy to escape from this attack because it is fatally flawed.

On Your Back On The Ground: Turning A Punch Defense Into A Knockout
By Prof. Gene Roos

In a fight if you find yourself on the ground on your back with the attacker to your side and trying to punch you in the face, here is one solution.

Ask The Teacher: What is the exact definition to budo?
By FightingArts Staff

Budo refers to post-1600 Japanese fighting systems which emphasize "do"- personal, ethical and spiritual development.

Escaping The Wrist Grab: Part 1 - From The Same Side
By Christopher Caile

There are many methods of escaping from a same side wrist grab, but some are better than others.

Fighting Back On The Ground 2: The Cross Armlock
By Eric Joseph

Even if you are a great puncher, it is also important to know basic ground fighting techniques. Not only will this knowledge help make you a better ground fighter, but it will also help you avoid techniques executed on you.

Opinion - Are we teaching self defense?
By Christopher Caile

Most teachers think if they are teaching a martial art, such as karate, kung fu, aikido or judo, their students are learning self-defense. But are they?

Seiza: The Kneeling Posture
By Christopher Caile

This simple kneeling position used throughout the martial arts had for the samurai warrior a deeper meaning that just proper etiquette, its roots were tied to self-defense.

Classical Budo
By Christopher Caile

Classical Budo evolved from technical roots based in the samurai fighting arts to a new class of disciplines that set the stage for modern judo, aikido, kendo and karate-do.

Koshi / Yao: An Introduction
By George Donahue

All good technique in karate, taekwondo, judo and most other martial arts arise from the koshi.

By Christopher Caile

The classical arts of the Japanese fighting man set the stage for modern arts such as karate-do, kendo, judo and aikido.

The Voice of Authority ? Part 3: Tactical Communications and Its Components
By Christopher Caile

Similar to the NYPDs Tactical Communications program for police officers, traditional martial artists too develop a mind set, temperment and relational skills to effectively communicate with others, reduce potential conflict and aid in resolution of problems.

Overcoming The Fear Of Falling
By Neil Ohlenkamp

While everyone has an innate fear of falling, most martial artists should learn basic falling techniques not only to avoid injury but to better learn the transition from standing techniques to those on the ground.

Fighting or Playing - The Martial Art vs. Sport Debate
By Neil Ohlenkamp

Martial arts sports are a lot more than competition, they also contribute to a student's ability to defend themselves.

The Voice of Authority ? Part 2:Tactical Communications Training
By Christopher Caile

Teachers of NYPD?s Tactical Communications programs use a variety of techniques to ingrain skills of psychology and communication in its highly diverse police force ? components which parallel training that many traditional martial artists experience.

The Passing Of A Great American Karate Icon-Pioneer & Master - Richard Kim
By Don Warrener

The world loses the great American martial arts pioneer and karate master, Richard Kim.

Jiujutsu-The Old Samurai Art Of Fighting Without Weapons: Part 1 - Origins
By Jigaro Kano

There is a lot of speculation on the origin of Jujutsu in Japan and much of it is conflicting.

Fudo: The Concept of Immovability
By Christopher Caile

While the concept of immovability is central to Buddhism, especially Esoteric Buddhism (Mikkyo) and Zen, it also represents an equally important goal for those in karate, taekwondo, judo and mixed martial arts.

The Thread That Binds
By Rick Clark

At higher levels, many martial arts, such as karate, judo, and aikido include techniques characteristic of other arts, but they also share another common thread -- knowledge of vital points that enhance the capabilities of each system.

Shindo Jinen-ryu Karate-do History and Tradition of Budo
By Akihiro Omi

Introduction and development of karate in Japan during the early 20th century.

Japanese Traditions - Entering the Dojo: What Price are You Willing to Pay?
By Dave Lowry

Today?s traditional Japanese martial arts schools (dojo) still reflect a heritage passed down from classical bujutsu (feudal era schools of military combat) as well as their modern successors, budo of our time (judo, kendo, etc.).

MMA Explosive Strength Cardio Training
By Antonio Graceffo

To be successful in mixed martial arts you need to overhaul your training, and change your perceptions what strength and cardio training. This same training can also build your endurance and explosive strength for karate, Taekwondo, kung fu and even judo.

Jiujutsu-The Old Samurai Art Of Fighting Without Weapons: Part 2 ? Schools & Stories
By Jigaro Kano

We now turn to the different schools and the differences which are said to exist between the names of the arts mentioned previously.

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