Rick Clark
The Thread That Binds
By Rick Clark
At higher levels, many martial arts, such as karate, judo, and aikido include techniques characteristic of other arts, but they also share another common thread -- knowledge of vital points that enhance the capabilities of each system.
The Case For Vital Points
By Rick Clark
Knowledge of vital points and how to use them can be a great equalizer if your are attacked by someone who is larger and stronger.
The Wall of Silence
By Rick Clark
The true meaning of kata has been neglected and it is critical that it be rediscoved.
Are Kata Bilateral?
By Rick Clark
Why do most kata include more right sided techniques than left?
Delayed Death Touch: Instructions to the Coroner of China Reveal Knowledge of Vital Points
By Rick Clark
This ancient Chinese Coroner?s text is provocative for it notes vital points that work immediately, but also those which can cause death at a later time.
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